Onderwerp: Zweefportaal - Alles over zweefvliegen :: Speciaal voor Sportcommissarissen. Nieuwe SC3 (1 okt 2022).

Geplaatst door Bas Seijffert op 16-11-2022 12:49

Veranderingen in de Sporting Code 3 (1 okt 2022).
In het kort:

In de papagrafen SC3-2.2.6 en SC3-3.3 is de tekst "FR serial number" (bijv. 4568) veranderd in "serial ID" (bijv F3D) (FR = Flight Recorder = logger).

Je mag een 5 uur vliegen, met motor (MoP), maar dan wel met een logger.

SC3-3.1.10 Nieuwe paragraaf toegevoegd.
Records die binnen de 24 uur van elkaar gevlogen zijn worden toegewezen aan de beste van de twee. Dus niet aan diegene die de eerste was.

SC3-3.3.3a Paragraaf toegevoegd. Er moet een ijkbarogram ingeleverd worden voor (record) hoogtevluchten.

SC3-4.1 Verduidelijking procedure voor records: Eerst kijkt het land waar het record gevlogen is naar het record. Daarna pas het land waar het record geregistreerd wordt.

SC3-4.3 Een logger, ingebouwd in een instrumentenpaneel, wordt beschouwd als zijnde verzegeld.

Veranderingen in de Sporting Code 3 versie 2022.

In de papagrafen SC3-2.2.6 en SC3-3.3 is de tekst "FR serial number" (bijv. 4568) veranderd in "serial ID" (bijv F3D) (FR = Flight Recorder = logger).

SC3-2.2.6 Control and allowed use of FRs & PRs
An OO shall provide control (2.0b) by noting the type and serial ID of each FR and PR, and inspect its installation as described in its approval document. This data is to be made available to the OO present during the transfer of data after the landing (4.3.3) and to the Data Analyst (4.3.4).

The OO certifying the claim shall be approved by the NAC per 4.2.3b and shall follow 4.3.1 to 4.3.5, and 4.4.1. The .igc file from all FRs used must be submitted with the claim (see also 3.3.3b for high altitude claims). An OO shall provide control (3.0d) of each FR by noting its type & serial ID, and inspect its installation as described in the approval document for each FR. This data is to be made available to the OO present during the transfer of data after the landing (4.3.3) and to the Data Analyst (4.3.4).

Verduidelijking tekst:
Je mag een 5 uur vliegen, met motor (MoP), maar dan wel met een logger.
Je mag een 5 uur vliegen zonder motor, zonder logger, mits onder continue toezicht van een sportcommissaris.

Nieuwe tekst
SC3-2.4.1. Time evidence
The data sampling rate in each FR or PR used must be set to at least once
per minute. If the glider has no MoP, the 5-hour duration task may be flown with no FR or PR if it is
under the continual attention of an OO, who shall control the flight as given in 4.3.2.

Oude tekst
2.4.1 Time evidence
The data sampling rate in each FR or PR used must be set to at least once
per minute. The 5-hour duration task may be flown with no FR or PR if it is under the continual
attention of an OO, who shall control the flight as given in 4.3.2.

SC3-3.1.10 Nieuwe paragraaf toegevoegd:
SC3-3.1.10 Same day claims
If more than one valid claim for a particular record arises from flights
made within 24 hours of each other, as given by times of landings, the record shall be awarded for
the best performance among them, without regard for the minimum marginal difference required by
3.1.5, 3.1.6, or 3.1.7, as applicable.

SC3-3.3.3a Paragraaf toegevoegd. Er moet een ijkbarogram ingeleverd worden voor (record) hoogtevluchten.
SC3-3.3.3 Altitude evidence
GPS altitudes use the WGS84 Ellipsoid for the zero altitude datum.
a. A copy of the calibration certificate of each FR used shall be submitted with the claim.
b. Up to 15,000 metres, pressure data recorded by an FR shall be used. Above 15,000 metres, GPS
altitude data from an IGC-approved High Altitude Flight Recorder (HAFR) shall be used.

SC3-4.1 Verduidelijking procedure voor records:
Nieuwe tekst
The National Airsport Control (NAC) has administrative responsibility for a nation’s sport aviation activities,
such as issuing Sporting Licences. The verification of national records and other responsibilities are often
delegated to the national gliding body. In SC3 and SC3C, NAC refers to either body. See SC3C-1.2 and
1.3 for recommended practices by NACs.
a. ORGANISING NAC The pilot’s nationality or residency determines the NAC responsible for
issuing them a Sporting Licence, certifying the pilot’s achievement and, in the case of a World or
Continental record, sending the record claim file to the FAI, regardless of where the record attempt
took place.
b. CONTROLLING NAC When a record or badge flight originates in a country other than that of
the organising NAC, the NAC of the host country shall control and analyse the flight.
Visiting OOs may be appointed (prior to the flight) by the controlling NAC to act on its behalf.
At the controlling NAC’s discretion, the completed claim may be submitted to the organising NAC
after an OO from the controlling NAC has reviewed the flight data and confirms to the organising
NAC that the flight was flown legally.

c. If a controlling NAC does not exist or is inactive in a country, the organising NAC may control a
record or badge flight there. If the organising NAC is not sure of the current FAI status of a country,
it shall contact members@fai.org or https://www.fai.org/members for the current list of NACs.

Oude tekst
The National Airsport Control (NAC) has administrative responsibility for a nation’s sport aviation activities,
such as issuing Sporting Licences. The verification of national records and other responsibilities are often
delegated to the national gliding body. In SC3 and SC3C, NAC refers to either body. See SC3C-1.2 and
1.3 for recommended practices by NACs.
a. ORGANISING NAC The pilot’s nationality or residency determines the NAC responsible for
issuing them a Sporting Licence, certifying the pilot’s achievement and, in the case of a World or
Continental record, sending the record claim file to the FAI, regardless of where the record attempt
took place.
b. CONTROLLING NAC When a record or badge flight originates in a country other than that of
the organising NAC, the NAC of the host country shall control the flight.
Visiting OOs may be appointed (prior to the flight) by the controlling NAC to act on its behalf.
The OO may forward the completed claim directly to the organising NAC after the controlling NAC has
reviewed the claim and confirms to the organising NAC that the flight was flown legally.
c. If a controlling NAC does not exist or is inactive in a country, the organising NAC may control a
record or badge flight there. If the organising NAC is not sure of the current FAI status of a country,
it shall contact members@fai.org or https://www.fai.org/members for the current list of NACs.

SC3-4.2.3 Het woord "prior" toegevoegd.
Nieuwe tekst
SC3-4.2.3 Competence
b. OOs must have prior written approval by their NAC to act for World or Continental record flights
and is to be included in Part 1 of FAI record Form E for these claims. Previous satisfactory experience
as an OO for badges or national records should be a prerequisite

Oude tekst
4.2.3 Competence
b. OOs must have written approval by their NAC to act for World or Continental record flights and is to
be included in Part 1 of FAI record Form E for these claims. Previous satisfactory experience as an
OO for badges or national records should be a prerequisite.

SC3-4.3 Een logger, ingebouwd in een instrumentenpaneel, wordt beschouwd als zijnde verzegeld.
Nieuwe tekst
4.3.1 Pre-flight control actions If present at takeoff, an OO shall confirm pilot name(s) and the
glider type and registration flown. If this is not possible, an OO shall seal each FR (or PR) to the
glider. An FR permanently mounted in an instrument panel with cables and pitot/static tubes
attached behind the panel and inaccessible to the pilot in flight, can be considered to be sealed to
the airframe
. In either case, and for each FR or PR, an OO must perform the control actions
required and, for motor gliders, verify the means used to detect MoP use.
Ref: FR approval documents and SC3C-7.3a.

Oude tekst
4.3.1 Pre-flight control actions If present at takeoff, an OO shall confirm pilot name(s) and the
glider flown. If this is not possible, an OO shall seal each FR (or PR) to the glider. In either case,
and for each FR or PR, an OO must perform the control actions required and, for motor gliders,
verify the means used to detect MoP use.
Ref: FR approval documents and SC3C-7.3a; 2.2.6 & 2.4.7 for badges; 3.3 & 3.3.4 for records.

Gewijzigd door Bas Seijffert op 16-11-2022 12:49

Geplaatst door Dinant op 16-11-2022 13:13

Bedankt voor dit heldere bericht Bas! Scheelt weer het doorpluizen van de hele sporting code